

Stick Dude & King Blooy






Mkll, Meta, Rocky, Crown, Stratos, & Buckshot

 Staff Rules

1. Notify an administrator when you have found news that you plan on posting about.

2. Notify an administrator if you plan on going inactive for a certain amount of time.

3. Post news or a review at least once a week.

4. Don’t post advertisements for your media without admin approval.

5. Don’t post news older than 2 days.

16 thoughts on “Staff

  1. My resignation from Viking Gamers:
    Hello for those who actually know me well. I am Rocky. I was in VG for five years almost. I was always loyal on the xat and active. But ever since I joined the Discord, people there aren’t being fair or nice to me aka Senor Mexicano ands Zeer. They banned me off when I was being the victim of a cyber bully threat instead of trying to calm me like an actual nice person would. It’s obvious Those 2 don’t know how to be fair or moderate at all and I can’t be part of a group that has more than 1 incompetent staff member. It’s a shame because VG was the best thing after armies before NFL Lounge. If they can’t be fair with me like everyone else in VG was who I know. Im not working there if u gonna treat me like a slave. Do ur job right. Be fair or don’t be a mod or owner at all because I earned my mod at VG did you? Idk. Thank you Blooy and Stick for not being assholes to me ever. Mkll you’re nuts lolz. Bye. You have until end of week to add me back before I resign no excuses lol.


    • I really don’t understand why you act like this wasn’t gonna happen. Multiple times have Blooy, Stick, and I discussed your ban and even warned you multiple times to stop spamming the chat with senseless content that nobody wants.

      When people started entering the chat to bother you, instead of notifying an admin or simply ignoring them, you continued to provoke them. Your ban was in no way unjustified as I banned both you and the offenders.

      As far as I’m aware, you contributed almost nothing to VG and actually strayed away from it for a long time. I really don’t see your dedication. Also, VG has literally only been around for a little bit over than two years.


      • And sorry I got mad at u over nothing too U don’t see my dedication? I was the most active mod when the xat was alive


      • And I said I would the first time but fighting with somebody who threatened my life isn’t spam and that’s pretty obvious

        Liked by 1 person

      • I had already stopped before you did it again. Why do U think I said im gonna shut up now before I say something dumb!?


      • Last time I checked first time I saw the chat was 2014 and I was rounding.


  2. Since I didn’t know about the Discord after the xat was dead every time I was on there after 2015 I will now get active now that I can use discord because now that it has been two days when Blooy puts me back on like he said now that I calmed, I want to do Philosophy posts in regards to gaming and my first post will have to do with gaming and violence it will be great! 😎 Itll be out this weekend! 😎


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